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Department of Radiation Medicine & Applied Sciences Radiation Medicine

CHEER Projects

patient and doctor

Clinical Outcomes in African American Men with Prostate Cancer

This retrospective cohort study of 8726 men with low - risk prostate cancer found that African American men who underwent active surveillance suffered an increased risk of disease progression and definitive treatment compared with non - Hispanic White men, but did not experience increased mortality. 

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Clinic-Based Intervention for Financial Hardship CAFÉ

This ongoing NIH funded project assesses a clinic - based intervention to address financial hardship for people with cancer using a randomized, stepped wedge trial designed to test the novel Cancer Financial Experience (CAFÉ) intervention. This study represents one of the first trials of an intervention focused on mitigating financial hardship specific to cancer patients.

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Featured Research Education Initiatives


Legacy Speakers (LS) Project

Optimus Programoptimus logo

The Outreach Program To Inspire Minority and Underrepresented Students (OPTIMUS) represents a summer cancer research fellowship for underrepresented high school students in San Diego. Students accepted into the program will work in cancer research labs, shadow physicians in clinic, and participate in community outreach efforts. Overall, the OPTIMUS program strives to help position our young students to become future leaders in clinical cancer care and cancer research.


San Diego Community Academic Research for Equitable Social Care (SD CARES)

SD CARES logoThe San Diego County Promotores Coalition (SDCPC), the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Moores Cancer Center Community Outreach and Engagement (COE), and the UCSD Center for Health Equity Education and Research (CHEER) have established a partnership to advance social care for individuals and families in San Diego County and the surrounding areas. The purpose of this community-academic partnership is to conduct a series of co-led, co-designed and co-facilitated activities that leverage the infrastructure, expertise, and missions of all three organizations to enhance social care research that supports health equity.


In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.