Sunil Advani, M.D.
B.S. Biological Chemistry | University of Chicago 1992
M.D. University of Chicago 1999
Residency University of Chicago 2009
Clinical Focus
Prostate Cancers and General Radiation Oncology
About Dr. Advani
Dr. Advani is a Tenured Professor and Associate Director (Basic Science) within the RMAS Center for Precision Radiation Medicine (CPRM) in the UC San Diego Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI).
A dedicated Basic Scientist, Dr. Advani’s research focuses on understanding and overcoming radioresistance of tumors, by identifying novel cell signaling pathways involved in cellular radiation response and targeting delivery of highly potent radiosensitizers. He is a recipient of a prestigious National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Cancer Institute (NCI) R-37 MERIT Award focusing on the elucidation and therapeutic exploitation of PAK-mediated radiation resistance. He has published in many prestigious academic journals including Nature Communications, Cancer Research, and Nature Medicine. He is a member of the Moores Cancer Center Solid Tumor Therapeutics Program.
Dr. Advani serves on multiple national academic committees including the University of California Cancer Research Coordinating Committee, NIH Radiation Therapy and Biology (RTB) Study Section, the RSNA Radiation Oncology Study Section, the NCCN Young Investigator Committee, the American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Promoting Science through Research and Training Committee, and the NCI Colorectal and Upper GI Cancer Working Group. Clinically, he is based at our Encinitas Treatment Center where he sees and treats patients with prostate cancer and other malignancies.